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Legal News and Articles

France - The Achilles’ heel of the AIFM Directive

France - The Achilles’ heel of the AIFM Directive

NMW Law | NMW (Paris-Francia) 21/01/2022

La Comisión de la UE publicó recientemente sus propuestas legislativas para enmendar la Directiva de Administradores de Fondos de Inversión Alternativa (AIFMD), pero es posible que no resuelvan algunas de las incertidumbres legales que ESMA sugirió expurgar. Columna jurídica de Philippe Gianviti, Abogado admitido en el Colegio de Abogados de París, NMW.


Dubai’s Covid recovery and outlook for 2022

Dubai’s Covid recovery and outlook for 2022

Nimbus Corporate Services | Nimbus Corporate Services (Dubai-EAU) 21/01/2022

​COVID-19 has been a global talking point since initial cases were reported back in early 2020. While recovery has been slow and sporadic, some countries have managed to alleviate the burden better than others, the UAE included.


Spain - Main aspects of capital companies and their tax implication

Spain - Main aspects of capital companies and their tax implication

Pablo Martín Losa | BGI LAW (Madrid-España) 16/12/2021

​Commercial companies in Spain are regulated by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of July 2, which approves the Consolidated Text of the Capital Companies Law (hereinafter, LSC). Said Law has an integrating character, due to the fact that it unified the Law by which the Public Limited Companies of 1989 were regulated, together with the Law of 1995, which contained the regulating regulations of the Limited Companies Law.


Russia - Case of “Perekryostok”: the Current Status of the Multimillion-Dollar Tax Dispute

Russia - Case of “Perekryostok”: the Current Status of the Multimillion-Dollar Tax Dispute

Flightman + Priest | Flightman + Priest (Moscú-Rusia) 25/10/2021

​On July 31, 2021, the Arbitrazh (Commercial) Court of Moscow passed a ruling on case No. А40-118073/19 on the invalidation of the decision of the Moscow Office of Russia’s Federal Tax Service adopted against Perekryostok Trading Company JSC as part of another on-site tax inspection.


Spain - Residence and relocation

Spain - Residence and relocation

Leopoldo Martínez | BGI LAW (Marbella-España) 21/10/2021

​A few months ago, a Resolution of the General Directorate of the State Tax Administration Agency was published in the BOE, approving the general guidelines of the 2021 Annual Tax and Customs Control Plan.


Spain - The reform of the Bankruptcy Law in force in 2022. General lines of the novelties of the reform

Spain - The reform of the Bankruptcy Law in force in 2022. General lines of the novelties of the reform

Francisco Lorenzo Martínez | BGI LAW (Marbella-España) 18/10/2021

​The Preliminary Draft of the new reform in bankruptcy matters can be definitively approved by the end of this year, entering into force twenty days after its publication in the BOE at the beginning of 2022. The reform, in the parliamentary processing phase, introduces novelties both in the processing of new agile forms aimed at insolvent individuals and companies, as well as new mechanisms for a second chance for debtors at risk of social exclusion.


Spain - Recognition of foreign decisions on family matters

Spain - Recognition of foreign decisions on family matters

Óscar Castañón Bayón | BGI LAW (Madrid-España) 01/10/2021

It is evident that, at present, and by virtue of migratory phenomena and the ease with which we have to extend our professional and personal lives beyond our usual place of residence or birth, new sociological realities are born, and therefore also legal. , which require a response of international jurisdictional cooperation.


United Kingdom - Employment Law Update. Return to work issues. Offices

United Kingdom - Employment Law Update. Return to work issues. Offices

Tessa Fry | Solomon Taylor & Shaw LLP (Londres-Reino Unido) 17/09/2021

Despite the Government recommending a gradual return to offices and ending the legal obligation to work from home, office attendance remains low with some staff reluctant to return. Government guidance states that it is for companies to decide how to implement a return to work provided their workplace is covid secure and they comply with legal obligations if staff are required to self-isolate. This update covers the key issues.


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